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From Pond to Splash Pad
Football-Watching Tips from Employers' Mutual
In 1951, Employers' Mutual of Wausau (later Wausau Insurance) published a small, 32-page booklet by Irwin Rickel, who gave tips on how to watch the sport of football. In the forward, the then head coach of UCLA, Henry "Red" Sanders, stated that it was "the best football booklet of its kind I have ever seen both from a standpoint of authenticity and in its manner of presentation."
Safety Education from Employers' Mutual
The Employers Mutual Liability Company of Wausau (Wausau Insurance) published A Guide Book in Safety Education by G. W. Bannerman in 1937.
Unique Take on Fire Prevention from 1953
The Neillsville Trolley (and other photographic feats of James Colby)
In the early years of the 20th Century, Wausau photographer James M. Colby was experimenting with some interesting techniques in developing photographs, including changing the landscapes of Central Wisconsin towns.
Historic Tavern Tour
Sunday, May 22, 2016
1-4 pm