Current Exhibits

Our Stories: The History of Marathon County
Take a journey through our core exhibit on the history of Marathon County and you will learn about the many people and events that have made us what we are today. The exhibit is focused on the stories of the people who have lived here, highlighting three themes: Arriving Here, Making A Living and Having Fun.
The 1920s: Rebellion, Prosperity, and Loss
June 2024 - June 2026
Step back in time 100 years to learn what life was like in the roaring ‘20s and see how things were rapidly changing, even here in Marathon County, Wisconsin. This exhibit captures the excitement around new forms of media like the radio and moving pictures, the realities of enforcing a national Prohibition of alcohol, the growth of electrified appliances to modernize life at work and in the home, and much more.
Ain't She Sweet: Women in the 1920s
January 2025 - January 2027
Explore a time where the role of women was evolving and stereotypes were being challenged. The 1920s provided women with increased opportunities and freedoms. There were more jobs available for women, participation in sports was made easier with less restrictive clothing and women received the vote in 1920. This exhibit looks at the 1920s woman through fashion, accessories, and most of all, their stories.
Rural Electrification: Outlet for Change
The physican exhibit is now closed, but the exhibit is available online by clicking the link above. We also have a traveling version of this exhibit.
This exhibit tells the story of how electricity eventually reached rural residents both in central Wisconsin and in the rest of the United States. Artifacts demonstrate the changes that came to farm life when electricity made its way from cities to the countryside. Maps show the progress of electrification about 1930 across Marathon County.

Pieces of the Past: Quilts Tell A Story
The physical exhibit is closed, but is still available as an online program.
Tour this exhibit to learn about the artistic, cultural, historic, and social importance of the quilts. Throughout the colorful, attractive exhibit you will learn about the women who made them and how lifestyle, current events, and society affected the fabric and pattern choices. Through the quilts and their stories, a picture will emerge of the important contributions made by women at a time when their opportunities remained limited.