History Chats: People You Should Know

This series of our History Chats program, historians Gary Gisselman and Ben Clark will give you a brief introduction to the people of Marathon County you should know.
Week 10: Father Daniels of Marathon City [from November 12, 2020]
Week 11: Supervisor George Cook of Unity [November 19, 2020]
Week 12: The Honorable Louis Marchetti December 3, 2020]
Week 13: Coucilwoman Helen Ohm [December 10, 2020]
Week 14: Olai Bache-Wiig [December 17, 2020]
(More) People You Should Know
Week 20: Anderson Bros & Johnson: Red Ruby Granite [from Februaryr 4, 2021]
Week 21: The Winninger Family [from February 11, 2021]
Week 22: John Ringle [from February 18, 2021]
Week 23: Helen Stephenson [from February 25, 2021]